Sasambo Journal of Pharmacy 2024-06-25T06:02:07+00:00 apt. Nisa Isneni Hanifa, M.Sc. Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong><a href="">Sasambo Journal of Pharmacy </a> (p-ISSN: <a href=";1592614815&amp;1&amp;&amp;2020">2723-2824</a>; e-ISSN: <a href=";1592615312&amp;1&amp;&amp;2020">2723-2832</a>) </strong> is a scientific journal publishing original articles research in pharmaceutical science. The Journal is managed by<strong> <a href="">the Pharmacy Study Program</a>, <a href="">Mataram University</a></strong></p> Aktivitas antioksidan dan kandungan flavonoid total ekstrak etanol batang bajakah kalalawit (Uncaria cordata (Lour) Merr.) asal Kecamatan Loksado Kalimantan Selatan 2023-08-22T03:28:37+00:00 Nashrul Wathan Nor Rezky Safarina Mia Fitriana <p>Bajakah kalalawit (<em>Uncaria cordata</em> (Lour) Merr.) is widely used by Dayak Tribes, based on empirical evidence, and often used to treat diabetes and various diseases such as cancer. This research aimed to determine the total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of the ethanolic extract of <em>U. cordata</em> stems. The sample used bajakah kalalawit from Loklahung village, Loksado District, South Hulu Sungai Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Flavonoid levels were determined using quercetin standards, 10% AlCl<sub>3</sub> reagent, and 5% acetic acid, then measured at a wavelength of 416 nm, while the antioxidant activity using DPPH 0.4 mM in UV-Vis spectroscopy at a wavelength of 516 nm. The results obtained were a thick extract mass with a dark brown color and a distinctive aroma. The total flavonoid content of the ethanol extract of <em>U. cordata</em> stems was found to be 3.6 ± 0.086 % w/w equivalent quercetin and showed very strong antioxidant activity with an IC<sub>50 </sub>value of 9.159 ppm.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Pengaruh penambahan sukrosa pada formulasi sabun padat transparan ekstrak etanol kayu secang 2023-09-22T01:27:52+00:00 Labbaika Khoirunnisa Dian Ratna Rianti Fara Azzahra <p>Transparent solid soap is a soap preparation that had great demand by the public because its attractive. The use of sucrose serves to help the formation of soap transparency. The aimed of this study is to determine the transparacy of sappan wood extract soap by adding different concentration of sucrose.</p> <p>Sappan wood ethanol extracts transparent soap (STEEKS) was made in three concentration of sucrose, FI (10%); FII (15%); and FIII (20%). The soap was tested of organoleptic tests, transparency, pH, foam stability, and soap hardness.</p> <p>The organoleptic test results obtained a transparent solid soap with a red color, <em>strawberry's </em>scent, and a transparent solid texture. The results show, the transparency test of FIII is more transparent than FII and FI (FIII&gt;FII&gt;FI). The pH values for each formula were FI 10.52 ± 0.36; FII 10.44 ± 0.28; FIII 10.35 ± 0.25. The percentage values of foam stability are FI 40.35% ± 6.52; FII 39.50%± 7.91; FIII 39.93% ± 5.19. The hardness value of soap produced in each formula is FI 3.87 Kg ± 0.35; FII 4.60 Kg ± 0.10; FIII 5.13 Kg ± 0.42. The results of the pH and foam stability test did not show significant differences between groups. The hardness of transparent solid soap showed a significant difference between the FI with FII; and FI with FIII groups. According to the study, the sucrose concentration affects soap hardness and transparency.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Kajian efek interaksi antihipertensi dengan obat antiinflamasi nonsteroid (OAINS) terhadap tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi 2023-09-29T15:30:37+00:00 Ihsan Shabirin Al Ayubi Ana Khusnul Faizah Liza Yudhistira Yusan <p>Hypertension causes atherosclerosis which can cause occlusion resulting in subchondral ischemia, which causes the exchange of nutrients and gases into the articular cartilage, which is disrupted and becomes the potential initiator of degradative changes or the so-called osteoarthritis. This review aims to evaluate the effect of antihypertensive drug interactions with NSAIDs on blood pressure. This article review was conducted using a narrative review study. The inclusion criteria in this article are the pharmacodynamic interaction of antihypertensives with NSAIDs in hypertensive patients with osteoarthritis. The results obtained seven articles that meet the inclusion criteria. Hypertensive patients with osteoarthritis receive medications that must be monitored because a drug-drug interaction can decrease the effectiveness of antihypertensives. One of the most widely used drugs in antihypertensive therapy is ACEi, but NSAIDs inhibit the antihypertensive effect on prostaglandin synthesis resulting from bradykinin production. The decrease in blood pressure stimulated by bradykinin plays an essential role in vasodilatation. The interaction of ACEi and NSAIDs can cause an increase in blood pressure with a minimum expansion of 1.1 mmHg. Still, when administering NSAIDs with CCBs, a decrease in blood pressure of 2.86 mmHg is obtained because the action is not dependent on prostaglandins. Based on the results, there were pharmacodynamic changes for both antihypertensive drugs and NSAIDs due to drug interactions that affected the patient's clinical outcome in the form of blood pressure.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Antipyretic activity test of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) ethanol and methanol extract on male white mice (Mus musculus) 2024-04-28T07:11:47+00:00 Nasruhan Arifianto Chairunisa Ayu Saputri Ferra Retnosari Hayu Meidina Wahyuni Wahyuni <p>Cucumber plants are annual plants that grow in the lowlands or highlands. Cucumbers are easy to get and have lots of benefits, but the peel of the cucumber is still less desirable, so it becomes waste. On the peel of cucumber<em> (Cucumis sativus Linn)</em> showed the active compounds of saponins, phenolics, steroids, protein, calcium and flavonoids. Compounds that have an antipyretic effect are flavonoid compounds. The aim of the research was to determine the ability of the methanol and ethanol extracts of cucumber peels as antipyretics. This study was included in an experimental study by looking at the effect of methanol and ethanol extract cucumber peels on male mice. The method used is chemical induction method. Forty male mice with body weight between 20-30 grams, divided into 8 groupsnegative control, positive control, cucumber peel methanol and ethanol extract dose of 100 mg/kg BW, 200 mg/kg BW, 400 mg/kg BW. The decrease in temperature was observed for 180 minutes with an interval of 30 minutes. It is known that at 30 minutes it has shown a decrease in temperature, until at 240 minutes the temperature drop has reached normal temperature. The data obtained were analysed statistically with One-way ANOVA. The results showed that cucumber peel extract <em>(Cucumis sativus Linn)</em> could provide antipyretic activity at doses of 100 mg/kg BW, 200 mg/kg BW, and 400 mg/kg BW in peptone-induced male mice <em>(Mus musculus),</em> by injecting subcutaneously in the nape of the mice. The effective dose Cucumber peel of Ethanol and Methanol extract <em>(Cucumis sativus L.)</em> used to reduce the rectal temperature of male white mice is at a dose of 400 mg/Kg BW</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Formulasi dan uji aktivitas antioksidan sediaan sheet mask dari sari buah lemon cui (Citrus microcarpha B.) sebagai anti-aging 2023-10-09T04:41:41+00:00 Arfiani Arifin Salsabila Yudratun Nada Razifah Suci Mawarni Abdul Vashar Adi <p>Lemon cui (<em>Citrus microcarpa</em> Bunge.), also known as fish lemon or kalamansi lemon, is a local citrus that mainly grows in North Sulawesi. This study aims to determine the IC<sub>50</sub> value of lemon cui juice and develop "Lemon cui" juice sheet mask formulations that meet physical quality test standards. Samples of "lemon cui" fruit juice were obtained by adding enough water and then separating the pulp to extract the juice. The sheet mask preparation formulation involved varying the concentration of the lemon cui fruit juice lyophilisate sample, including F1 (0.5%), F2 (1%), F3 (1.5%), and a negative control (without lyophilisate of lemon cui fruit juice). The physical quality testing encompasses organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, and irritation assessments. The results of physical quality testing for F1, F2, F3, and the negative control have met the requirements of the physical quality test. The antioxidant test results showed that the antioxidant activity in lemon juice lyophilisate and sheet mask essences F2 and F3 fell into the very strong antioxidant category, while sheet mask essence F1 was classified as a strong antioxidant.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Pola penggunaan obat anti diabetes mellitus tipe-II pada pasien rawat inap di RSUD Praya tahun 2021 2023-09-09T06:38:13+00:00 Adela Novita Raisya Hasina Herpan Syafii Harahap <p>Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to abnormalities in insulin secretion. The prevalence of people with diabetes mellitus in Indonesia reached 6.2% per year in 2020 and ranks 7th in the world with 8.5 million people. Based on the results of observations at the Praya Hospital in 2021, type-II diabetes mellitus is the 4th highest-order disease suffered by the community, especially Central Lombok Regency, with a total incidence of 131 patients. This study aims to determine the pattern of drug use and HbA1c profile in patients with type-II diabetes mellitus in the inpatient installation of Praya Hospital in 2021. This study was retrospective, using the <em>Nonprobability Sampling</em> method, namely the type of <em>purposive sampling</em> so that a sample of 96 medical records of diabetes mellitus patients was obtained type-II. The data is presented as pie charts and tables in percentages, which were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 25. From the results of this research, it was found that the pattern of drug use at Praya Hospital in 2021 was given the highest from each group namely the oral antidiabetic drug group (OAD) was in the Biguanid class with 61 drugs (8,13%), while insulin drugs were in the Rapid-Acting class with 343 drugs (45,73%), and the OAD + Insulin combination with 119 drugs (15,87%). For the HbA1c profile, high HbA1c levels were found in 76 patients (79%). This shows that blood glucose control is not reasonable. Based on the study's results, the recommended recommendation is that patients routinely control blood sugar and be educated on the accuracy of drug use to control blood sugar.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Skrining fitokimia ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol 70% Propolis Trigona sp. asal Lombok Utara 2024-04-26T04:42:57+00:00 Muhammad Naufal Farras Ananta Imasayu Nuralyza Kurnia Solehah Iman Surya Pratama Siti Rahmatul Aini <p>Propolis <em>Trigona sp.</em> has many benefits closely related to the secondary metabolites contained therein. Previous research related to propolis screening of <em>Trigona sp</em>. from North Lombok has been carried out. Still, it has yet to be carried out in the maceration method (1:20 w/v) with 70% water and ethanol solvent to obtain a comparison of secondary metabolites between the two solvents. This study aims to identify the content of secondary metabolites in the water extract and 70% ethanol extract of propolis <em>Trigona sp.</em> from North Lombok. Propolis was macerated with water and 70% ethanol solvent. The viscous extract was identified for its physical characteristics, consistency, color, and chemical characteristics through phytochemical screening. The results of the phytochemical screening showed that the aqueous extract and 70% ethanol extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids, and quinones. Both extracts showed negative saponin results.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) Formulasi gel ekstrak daun sirih cina (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) variasi carbopol 940 serta uji fisik dan stabilitasnya 2024-06-25T06:02:07+00:00 Novita Anggoro Nur Cholis Endriyatno <p>Chinese betel leaf (<em>Peperomia pellucida </em>L. Kunth) contains tannins, alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids which can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Gel preparations are suitable for topical therapy of acne. The gelling agent used was carbopol 940. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and concentration of carbopol 940 which produced the best physical properties of Chinese betel leaf extract gel preparations. This research is an experimental research. Gel preparations were made with various concentrations of carbopol 940 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0% then organoleptic examination, homogeneity, pH, adhesion, spreadability, viscosity, skin irritation, physical stability , and hedonic. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS (trial) using the One Way ANOVA method. The results showed that variations in carbopol 940 concentrations had an effect on organoleptic, adhesiveness, pH, spreadability, viscosity, and hedonics but had no effect on homogeneity, physical stability, and skin irritation. Carbopol 940 concentration of 1.0% produced the best preparation compared to concentrations of 0.5%, 1.5% and 2.0% in terms of physical properties and statistical analysis.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s)