Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat2024-12-02T06:06:17+08:00Wahida Hajrin[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><a href=""><strong>INDRA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat</strong></a> <strong>(p-ISSN: <a href="">2723-2859</a>; e-ISSN: <a href="">2723-2840</a>)</strong> is a national periodical that contains articles from the dissemination of community service activities based on research in the field of health.</p> masyarakat dalam peningkatan gizi balita melalui olahan produk berbasis pangan lokal jagung di Desa Mekarjaya2024-07-24T01:25:51+08:00Ratna Sari Listyaningrum[email protected]Angga Anggraeni[email protected]Fahrisa Rianti[email protected]Ismatul Fadillah[email protected]Dinda Wulandari[email protected]St Nurul Hasanah[email protected]<p>Nutritional problems can hinder the momentum of development of Indonesia's golden generation in 2045. Nutritional problems are also related to the availability of food, where local food that is high in nutrients can be used to fulfill the nutrition of children under five. The local food commonly grown in Mekarjaya Village is corn. Therefore, this community service aims to increase the understanding of posyandu cadre mothers and parents of PAUD students regarding the importance of toddler nutrition and provide insight regarding the processing of local corn-based food products. The methods used are observation, lecture, discussion and demonstration. The activity was held on August 28 2023 with 17 participants, namely posyandu cadres and parents of PAUD students. The material is delivered by expert. The demonstration was carried out by providing a practical guide to processing corn into corn juice, corn pudding and corn dregs nuggets. From the results of the activity satisfaction questionnaire, it was found that the time for organizing the activity, preparation and media used were good. The participants were satisfied with the method and clarity of the material.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) pembuatan sabun dari minyak jelantah pada Kader PKK Desa Merembu 2024-08-02T03:06:23+08:00Windah Anugrah Subaidah[email protected]Wahida Hajrin[email protected]Eskarani Tri Pratiwi[email protected]Sucilawaty Ridwan[email protected]<p>Indonesian people have a strong preference for food processed using cooking oil. However, the continuous reuse of cooking oil can pose health hazards and have negative environmental impacts if disposed of directly into the soil and waterways. Therefore, innovation is needed to process used cooking oil waste into a product with economic value. Used cooking oil used for cooking can be transformed into soap which is environmentally friendly and has economic value. Hence, this community service aims to reduce the volume of waste cooking oil and improve the local economy. One area in West Nusa Tenggara that has the potential for this product development is the village of Merembu. Out of 2084 families, 727 are still classified as poor. Therefore, there is a need for business opportunities to improve the economy in the village, one of which is by transforming waste cooking oil into soap products. Community service activities in Merembu Village were well received and received positive responses from Empowerment of Family Welfare (PKK) group in Merembu Village. The positive response is reflected in the results of the final evaluation carried out. This activity is a means for PKK group to increase their knowledge of the dangers and methods of processing used cooking oil so that it does not become a pollutant for the environment.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) pembuatan minuman probiotik fermentasi dari limbah kulit nanas (Ananas comosus L.) di Desa Seruawan2024-08-23T00:46:47+08:00Rony Marsyal Kunda[email protected]Richard R. Lokollo[email protected]Prasetyarti Utami[email protected]Heryanus Jesajas[email protected]Mechiavel Moniharapon[email protected]<p>Pineapple skin is an ingredient that can be processed into a probiotic drink. The biggest component of pineapple peel waste besides water is carbohydrates. Pineapple skin can be a good substrate as a source of microbial growth. Pineapple skin can reach 47% of the total fruit and has a chemical composition of 87.80% water, 8.60% sugar and 1.35% reducing sugar. The potential chemical content of pineapple skin has encouraged many researchers to create fermented prebiotic drink products. The ingredients used in making pineapple peel fermented probiotic drinks include: pineapple fruit, fermented yeast, water, palm sugar, cinnamon and granulated sugar. This community service activity was carried out with the aim of educating the public about how to make pineapple peel prebiotic drinks for household scale. There is a need for training in making fermented prebiotic drinks from pineapple peel in local communities. This training will be carried out for the community in Seruawan village, Seram Island, Maluku.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) : warga peduli aids tingkat kelurahan kota Ternate 2024-08-06T09:40:09+08:00Tutik Lestari[email protected]Fathiyah Suma[email protected]Mudini Muhlis[email protected]Muhammad Rivai[email protected]<p>The community is the front guard in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS cases. To mobilize community participation in prevention efforts, it is important to provide correct understanding, such as through training. Through the formation of WPA at the sub-district level, this community service aims to empower the community. This WPA functions as a forum for the community to raise awareness that comes from desires or needs without being forced by the community itself, so that the community can contribute significantly to the HIV/AIDS problem in the sub-district environment. The activity was carried out for three days, with a total of 40 participants representing community leaders, health cadres, and the PKK. The methods and forms of activities used are active participation approaches, presentations, and questions and answers. As a result, participants understand their duties and responsibilities in efforts to prevent and control HIV/AIDS by prioritizing community involvement.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) kesehatan remaja melalui program pediatric social responsibility (PSR) di Nusa Tenggara Barat 2024-12-02T06:06:17+08:00Titi Pambudi Karuniawaty[email protected]Nurhandini Eka Dewi[email protected]Putu Aditya Wiguna[email protected]Wayan Sandhi Sulaksmana[email protected]Linda Silvana Sari[email protected]Rifa Atuzzaqiyah[email protected]Nur Nailul[email protected]Laily Mufidah[email protected]Indri Hapsari[email protected]Lenny Puspita Saril[email protected]<p>Adolescents needs serious attention because they are at risk of experiencing various health problems. The <em>Pediatric Social Responsibility</em> (PSR) initiated by the Indonesian Pediatric Society, is an innovation program to overcome the health problems of Indonesia adolescents through assistance to health workers who work at primary health centers in various subject including adolescent health promotion. One of its activities in West Nusa Tenggara was carried out in a hybrid seminar aimed to increase knowledge of health workers and related stakeholders regarding adolescent health with a school-based approach. A total of 289 participated in this activity, with 149 (51.6%) participants attending offline Program evaluation was carried out by comparing the knowledge of participants before and after the activity (<em>pre-test</em> and <em>post-test</em>) and evaluating the implementation of the activity. There was a significant difference of participants' knowledge before and after the activity (p-value=0.005; <em>p<0.05). </em>This program was useful (82.2%), held in a sufficient time duration (90.1%), the material was updated (72.9%) and in accordance with the needs of the participants (89.1%), also might be applied in daily work/practice. Similar activities in this PSR program need to be held again regularly with a wider coverage, varied themes and involve teenagers directly.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s)