Profil penggunaan obat antidiabetes pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di instalasi rawat jalan RSUD Provinsi NTB tahun 2018
Baiq Sofianti Annisa , Candra Eka Puspitasari , Siti Rahmatul AiniDOI:
Vol 2 No 1 (2021): AprilKata Kunci:
Type 2 DM, blood glucose, outpatient, antidiabetic, metforminArticles
Cara Mengutip
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disorder of insulin secretion, insulin action or both, which are characterized by blood glucose levels > 200 mg/dl and / or fasting blood glucose levels > 126 mg/dl. In 2017 Indonesia was recorded as the sixth largest country with DM in the world. The most common classification of diabetes is type 2 DM with an incidence 90-95%. The study aimed to determine the profile of antidiabetic use in type 2 DM patients at the outpatient installation of RSUD Provinsi NTB in 2018. This study used cross sectional design retrospectively with purposive sampling method for the period January-December 2018. The results showed that in 112 patients, 195 antidiabetic agents were prescribed. The antidiabetic prescribed were metformin (33.85%), glimepirid (25.13%), aspart insulin (13.33%), insulin detemir (8.21%), pioglitazone (6.67%), insulin glargine (6.67%), glyclazide (1.54%), gliquidone (1.54%), acarbose (1.54), regular insulin (1.03%), and insulin lispro (0.51%). Overall, antidiabetic use was in accordance with the guideline recommendations. Further research is needed regarding the review of prescriptions and detailed indications in order to increase rationality of drug use, reduce morbidity and mortality and reduce medical costs.Referensi
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Sola, D., Rossi, L., Schianca, G. P. C., Maffioli, P., Bigliocca, M., Mella, R., Corlianò, F., Paolo Fra, G., Bartoli, E., & Derosa, G. (2015). Sulfonylureas and their use in clinical practice. Archives of Medical Science, 11(4), 840–848.
Suastika, K., Dwipayana, P., Semadi, M. S., & Kuswardhani, R. A. T. (2012). Age is an Important Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease. Book Citation Index.
Van De Laar, F. A., Lucassen, P. L., Akkermans, R. P., Van De Lisdonk, E. H., Rutten, G. E., & Van Weel, C. (2005). α-Glucosidase inhibitors for patients with type 2 diabetes: Results from a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. In Diabetes Care (Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 154–163). American Diabetes Association.
Yau, H., Rivera, K., Lomonaco, R., & Cusi, K. (2013). The Future of Thiazolidinedione Therapy in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Current Diabetes Reports, 13(3), 329–341.
Almasdy, D., Sari, D. P., Suhatri, S., Darwin, D., & Kurniasih, N. (2015). Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Antidiabetik Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 di Suatu Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Kota Padang – Sumatera Barat. Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis, 2(1), 104.
American Diabetes Association. (2018). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2018. The Journal OfClinical and Applied Research and Education, 41, 2045–2047.
American Diabetes Association. (2019a). 9. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: Standards of medical care in diabetes - 2019. Diabetes Care, 42(supp 1), S90–S102.
American Diabetes Association. (2019b). Standards of Medical Care In Diabetes - 2019. Diabetes Care, Supp 1.
Cho, N. H., Shaw, J. E., Karuranga, S., Huang, Y., da Rocha Fernandes, J. D., Ohlrogge, A. W., & Malanda, B. (2018). IDF Diabetes Atlas: Global estimates of diabetes prevalence for 2017 and projections for 2045. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 138, 271–281.
Dinas Kesehatan NTB. (2017). Profil Kesehatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun 2017. In Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun 2017. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Edwina, D., & Manaf, A. (2015). Pola Komplikasi Kronis Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Rawat Inap di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RS. Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas, 4(1), 102–106.
International Diabetes Federation. (2013). IDF Diabetes Atlas Sixth Edition 2013. International Diabetes Federation.
International Diabetes Federation. (2017). IDF Diabetes Atlas Eighth Edition 2017. In IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edition. International Diabetes Federation. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31679-8.
Isnaini, N., & Ratnasari, R. (2018). Faktor risiko mempengaruhi kejadian Diabetes mellitus tipe dua. Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah, 14(1), 59–68.
Kautzky-Willer, A., Harreiter, J., & Pacini, G. (2016). Sex and gender differences in risk, pathophysiology and complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In Endocrine Reviews (Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 278–316). Endocrine Society.
Kurniawan, I. (2010, December). Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 pada Usia Lanjut. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, 60(12), 576–584.
Murad, M. A., Abdulmageed, S. S., Iftikhar, R., & Sagga, B. K. (2014). Assessment of the common risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in jeddah. International Journal of Endocrinology, 1–9.
PB PERKENI. (2015). Konsensus Pengelolaan dan Pencegahan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Indonesia 2015. PB Perkeni.
Prasetyani, D., & Sodikin. (2017). Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diabetes Melitus (DM) Tipe 2. Jurnal Kesehatan Al Irsyad, 10(2), 1–9.
Psarakis, H. M. (2006). Clinical challenges in caring for patients with diabetes and cancer. Diabetes Spectrum, 19(3), 157–162.
Putra, I. D. G. I. P., Wirawati, I. A. P., & Mahartini, N. N. (2019). Hubungan Kadar Gula Darah dengan Hipertensi pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di RSUP Sanglah. Intisari Sains Medis, 10(3), 797–800.
Rizos, C. V., Elisaf, M. S., Mikhailidis, D. P., & Liberopoulos, E. N. (2009). How safe is the use of thiazolidinediones in clinical practice? Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 8(1), 15–32.
Sola, D., Rossi, L., Schianca, G. P. C., Maffioli, P., Bigliocca, M., Mella, R., Corlianò, F., Paolo Fra, G., Bartoli, E., & Derosa, G. (2015). Sulfonylureas and their use in clinical practice. Archives of Medical Science, 11(4), 840–848.
Suastika, K., Dwipayana, P., Semadi, M. S., & Kuswardhani, R. A. T. (2012). Age is an Important Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease. Book Citation Index.
Van De Laar, F. A., Lucassen, P. L., Akkermans, R. P., Van De Lisdonk, E. H., Rutten, G. E., & Van Weel, C. (2005). α-Glucosidase inhibitors for patients with type 2 diabetes: Results from a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. In Diabetes Care (Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 154–163). American Diabetes Association.
Yau, H., Rivera, K., Lomonaco, R., & Cusi, K. (2013). The Future of Thiazolidinedione Therapy in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Current Diabetes Reports, 13(3), 329–341.
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Baiq Sofianti Annisa
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